Sunday, December 19, 2010

Can you imagine...

Can you imagine, what it would feel like to be so afraid of choking, you would rather not eat. Even the things you enjoy most, you wont touch. Last week, I felt lucky to have a child on the spectrum...who was adventurous with foods. I know one of the many battles moms with children on the spectrum have, is getting them to eat,and try new foods. Well, John ate so well. He ate everything from chicken,to sandwiches, pizza, and even fish. Well, today I am heartbroken, as my child is sitting at the table, crying that he never wants to eat food again.One time, just one, he gagged on the cheese from his pizza.....and now, well now he is afraid he will choke on anything he eats. So far we have tried plain cheerios,farina, pizza, and a cheese sandwich. He finally ate enough of a silly egg, that I feel like he has had something. Although he has cried at least 6 times while eating this egg, he is still eating. I just hope this chapter doesn't last long.


  1. I know that advice is often unwanted and almost always unsolicited, but I'm going to offer it anyway. You might try offering only soft textures for a while--applesauce, mac n cheese, etc. Then gradually work in more textured foods. You might think that he couldn't possibly eat enough to healthy with a diet like that, but my son lived on peanut butter and jelly and macaroni for six years--seriously. He was never anemic, and he is finally beginning to try different foods. Good luck!

  2. I was about to offer the same suggestions. Try soft things and maybe make them appeal to him. My son went through a period of time when he would only eat soup. I have to color his eggs orange and sometimes to get him to try something new I tell him it is Bob the Builders favorite food. LOL

  3. Thank you guys. It has gone from being afraid to choke, to just not wanting anything. He has been eating breakfast pretty well, and dinner isnt always great. I only know about lunch on the wknd, but today he asked for pb&j.
