Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Are they connected??

                Wow, what a tough week we are having here. John has been eating so little lately, its making me sad. His favorite foods that he normally would gobble up, he is barely touching. Before school, we beg,and plead, and then threaten him to eat.....but no luck. I feel like a horrible mother, my child is NOT eating enough for breakfast...and I know it. Now, for the same amount of time, he has had a cough...that just this morning sounded kinda ugly....but not too ugly for school. I gave him some Mucinex....and sent him to school. Also, for the same amount of time, he has been coming home with frowny faces on his daily card, and unfinished work. So, I wonder....are they all connected??

               Sometimes I notice after a few days of John having what we call, very autistic days, I notice he is not well. So maybe, because he is not feeling well...he is not eating well. Maybe because he is not eating well, he is acting up in school? No, I don't need something to blame it on...because ultimately it will always be the autism. However, if there is something causing some kind of chain reaction, I want to make it stop! I always say...why make him wear the shirt with the annoying tag, if it will set him off all day? Just remove the tag right?? Same thing with this. I hope the medicine will help...usually Mucinex works wonders for him. Last year, when he had a "bad note" in his backpack, he would have to go to his room. We haven't done that in a while...it was very effective for him. So yesterday we had to send him to his room. It breaks my heart to see him so upset,and worked up. i am hoping today he comes home with a smiley face on his card, and a smile on his face!


  1. Hang in there girl! My daughter, Chloee has those days too. She is a VERY picky eater as well. (she is only 4 and weighs a meager 30 lbs, when her classmates weigh 40) If you ever need to talk, my blog is mattnbrandishaffer.blogspot.com and my email is mattnbrandi@msn.com.


  2. Thank you so much! I am following you now! I know this is something we go through, and likely always will, on and off. John is small for his age as well. Yesterday he came home with a smiley face,and a note that said "John had a much better day today." Made me happy, and him happy to see me happy! i cant wait for winter break....lol

  3. I am glad he had a good day yesterday!! When Chloee has good days, it makes me so happy
